Home | Earthquake in Nepal

Earthquake in Nepal

Money, money?

Madan Thapa Magar | Emigrant The country of Nepal is 800 km long and 180 km wide, covering 147,181 square kilometres. Its land area is 50% bigger than Portugal. It is home to 27 million people, two and a half times as many as in Portugal. In the north, the country borders Tibet, in the south India. Southern Nepal, known as the Terai, consists of river landscapes, jungles and vast areas of agricultural land, and is densely populated. Most rural villages and small towns are located in the water-rich south. Agriculture and small industries dominate the economic picture. The north …

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ECO123 NepalAid First 24 Solarkits

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When the earth starts to move beneath our feet, we experience how sensitive and fragile our environment is and how little attention we pay to it on a daily basis. We lose our children, parents and neighbours, all our worldly goods, our cultural heritage; all the infrastructure that we have been building up our whole lives. An earthquake robs us of our trust in our innate abilities and makes us uncertain, sad and humble in the face of the chaos and the loss. It paralyses us and takes away our source of daily nourishment, because even the fields that we …

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