ROK – The simplest there is
a mechanical espresso machine made in London, without capsules and therefore without waste, without electricity. Easy to handle, price from
about €150.

Sunok – The solar oven
Available in two sizes, for Slow-Food, stews and vegetarian dishes, also for drying figs, apricots, tomatoes and many other fruits, price around €300.

The best chocolate in the world, www.claudiocorallo.com100% cocoa chocolate, hand-made in São Tomé and Príncipe, in ecological packaging,160 grams for €18,10

“Portugal em Chamas – Como resgatar as florestas?” by João Camargo and Paulo Pimenta de Castro, Bertrand Editora, Portuguese, price €14,40.

“What We Think About – When We Try Not To Think About – Global Warming” published by Chelsea Green, English, price $24,95.