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Ecological fabrics

Ideals: the road to success

At a time when clothing-related allergies are becoming increasingly worse, the online shop Tecidos Ecológicos (Ecological Fabrics) has invested in supplying ecological fabrics. This means that the manufacture of the fabrics is sustainable (1) because, by avoiding the use of chemicals, the effect on the health of the planet and its inhabitants is reduced to a minimum. But also because all types of synthetic dyes or those produced through genetic manipulation are avoided. All the items sold by Tecidos Ecológicos have certification from GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standards), an organisation involving the USA, Germany, the United Kingdom and Japan.

The company is affiliated to the global Fair Trade movement, which seeks to promote sustainable growth, and at the same time shows concern for animal rights by only using fabrics and products of plant origin. The company was founded in 2011 by Marlene Oliveira, a designer of vegetarian fashion and yoga practitioner. Marlene’s aim is to prompt a change in awareness through the products she sells, and these reflect her own approach to life. They cost between €6 and €14, and Tecidos Ecológicos offers designers fibres such as organic cotton, hemp or recycled fibre. There are also items belonging to the entrepreneur’s own brand. The courage to put her ideas into practice is not only a way of innovating, but is increasingly proving to have been a sound investment.


(1) When the use of pesticides is discussed, it is normally in relation to foodstuffs, but their presence in fabrics such as cotton can also pose problems. In the same way, synthetic fabrics derived from petroleum, such as polyester and nylon, have consequences for the environment and sometimes for people’s health too.

About the author

Hugo Filipe Lopes:Has a degree in sociology and a post-graduate qualification in clinical nutrition from the Egas Moniz Faculty. Collaborates with a number of online publications, a trainer and nutritional therapist. Honourable mentions in the Casa da Imprensa and Lisboa à Letra competitions..

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