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Magical Musical Walk

Many people will remember the Magical Musical Walk that took place in the forest behind the village of Barao de Sao Joao last September in aid of the Lagos Bombeiros. We raised more than €1200 and it was such a success that we decided to make it an annual event. It will again take place at the Parque de Merendas in the Mata Nacional in Barão de São João. Entrance is free. It will take place on Sunday 20th September and will start at 14.00h and from 19.00h – 22.00h there will be a concert. There will be a children’s activity area, and many more entertainments. The idea is that visitors are invited to stroll along forest tracks where they will come across a variety of musicians serenading them along the way.  Walkers are invited to donate money in appreciation, and those donations together with profits from a bar and BBQ and other stalls  will raise funds to help our brave Bombeiros to buy the equipment they need to more safely protect us from forest fires.