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Let Us Build Aquaponics In Our Garden

Want to make your world a greener place?

Let Us Build Aquaponics In Our Garden

The number of people who take care to enquire where and how their food is produced is growing steadily. More and more people want a guarantee that their foodstuffs, whether vegetables, salads or fish, are produced locally, in an ecologically impeccable manner, and in harmony with nature. Fruit and vegetables produced oneself or grown in the region, ok; but fresh fish too?

Aquaponics = Hydroculture + aquaculture.

The number of people who take care to enquire where and how their food is produced is growing steadily. More and more people want a guarantee that their foodstuffs, whether vegetables, salads or fish, are produced locally, in an ecologically impeccable manner, and in harmony with nature. Fruit and vegetables produced oneself or grown in the region, ok; but fresh fish too?

Aquaponics = Hydroculture + aquaculture. That is the formula for the symbiosis of two disciplines, and it represents both a solution and a challenge. It has the potential firstly to put high-quality fish on people’s plates, and at the same time to relieve the pressure on the sea as a wild, living organism. Secondly, it is about producing local vegetables of the highest quality, without the long distribution chains from industrial agriculture via processing (deep-freezing, canning etc.) and intermediaries with long transportation routes to the supermarket. What matters much more nowadays is producing as much as possible locally and efficiently once again: water, energy and organic matter from the kitchen, in order to obtain natural fertilizer as well.

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