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Freedom for seeds?

On 6th May, the European Parliament approved the law (1) which defines the prohibition of seed swapping, with the exception of private individuals and companies with fewer than ten
In Portugal, the initiative has not been well received by everyone. The “Seed Sovereignty Campaign” aims to alert not only farmers but also the general public to the implications of this law which aims to patent seeds. Lanka Horstink is the coordinator of this movement, part of the environmental organisation GAIA, one of the fifty associations which recently went to Brussels to demand the right to sow, swap and reproduce seeds freely. They work not only to raise people’s awareness about this issue, they also organise practical campaigns such as “Gardens for Diversity”, whose focus is precisely to keep the tradition of the freedom of seeds going.

The consequences of the so-called “Seed Law” include, in Lanka’s words, “worsening bureaucracy and the immediate danger of illegality for seed saving associations”. This could make it impossible for them to be saved. In a country where some 80% of agriculture is traditional, this would cause serious consequences for producers and for consumers. As regards the agricultural institutions, there are diverging opinions, with the CNJ (2) being opposed to the law, and the CAP (3) in favour of the change.

“There is a fear that this law is just a trial run for one that is even more rigid as regards the patenting of seeds”

“Europe was one of the few areas where seed swapping was not subject to any kind of legislation”

The petition against the patenting of seeds was signed by 17,000 people, sufficient to be considered by the Parliament and to keep the struggle alive.
(1) http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/health_consumer/pressroom/docs/proposal_aphp_en.pdf
(2) National Confederation of Young Farmers and Rural Development
(3) Portuguese Farmers’ Confederation

Contact DETAILS Seed Sovereignty Campaign http://gaia.org.pt/sosementes
GAIA – Grupo de Acção e Intervenção Ambiental Centro Social da Aldeia das Amoreiras
Rua de Garvão, 7530-513 Aldeia das Amoreiras Odemira, Portugal
E-mail: gaia@gaia.org.pt

United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity
http://www.cbd.int/convention OECD scheme for certification of seed varieties
Portuguese organisations for free seeds:
Quercus – http://www.quercus.pt/documentos/campanhas/sementes-livres
CNA – http://www.cna.pt/dossiersementes.htm

About the author

Hugo Filipe Lopes:Has a degree in sociology and a post-graduate qualification in clinical nutrition from the Egas Moniz Faculty. Collaborates with a number of online publications, a trainer and nutritional therapist. Honourable mentions in the Casa da Imprensa and Lisboa à Letra competitions..

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