Saturday 4th january 2025.

It’s a New Year. Have you made it? And your good resolutions? Live a climate-neutral life? And reduce your carbon footprint? Reduce the amount of waste? Eat a healthy diet?
Wait a minute. We can make you a very special offer. Our cooperative has booked a speaker, a permaculture teacher called Lesley Martin. She will be offering our readers a weekend course in March, April and May, in which you can find out what you need to do to produce good food from good soil: potatoes, onions, carrots and courgettes, as well as tomatoes, garlic, cucumbers and lots of other healthy vegetables and salads. So, if you weren’t born into the world of healthy organic farming, but would like to find out more, ECO123 offers you exactly 72 hours of training over six weekends, followed by a piece of good, black earth in our botanical garden: where each participant can try their hand at growing a vegetable patch for themselves under practical guidance. For just ten euros a month, ECO123 offers 10m² of space where you can plant a fruit tree (and later harvest the fruit) and create your own vegetable patch: grow your own potatoes, your own tomatoes, your own lettuce. ECO123 will help you with the irrigation. Permaculture teacher Lesley Martin will help you, and gardener Jeremy Walton will give you tips on what grows best in Esgravatadouro.
If you live in Portimão or Faro, or even in Lisbon, in the city, and you don’t have your own garden, then visit our botanical garden and try your hand at growing your own organic produce. We guarantee not to use herbicides, pesticides or fungicides… Our natural fertilizer comes from goats and horses, and you can plough the soil and cultivate your own little field yourself. This course is particularly suitable for parents who want to show and explain the world to their children. We have a maximum number of 12 participants and a minimum number of eight.

Write us an e-mail and ask for details, prices and anything else that you might need in order to take part, such as robust clothing, rooms for staying overnight. If you are sure that you want to take part, please register directly. The natural order of registration applies: first come, first served. If you need more than ten square metres of space with good soil, we have ten permaculture terraces available, with 30m², as well as some 50m2 plots. 2025 should be a good year. We offer our own extra virgin olive oil after the harvest in autumn, our own medronho and walnuts and many types of fruit: grapes and peaches, apricots and citrus fruits, which you can harvest yourself, fresh from the tree. Why not become a member of Esgravatadouro, Cooperativa do Ambiente CRL? At least, this way you’ll know what you’re putting on your plate…