Home | Vale do Côa GR Trail Expedition

Vale do Côa GR Trail Expedition

ATN and ECO123

06.June 0 Guarda Fóios - By hired bus
07.June 1 Fóios Quadrazais 22.2km Fóios – Fóios – Primary School
08.June 2 Quadrazais Sabugal 20km Hospedaria Robalo
09.June 3 Sabugal Rapoula do côa 15.2km Route Côa – Turismo Rural
10.June 4 Rapoula do Côa Castelo Mendo 24.1km Casa da cidadela – Turismo Rural
11.June 5 Castelo Mendo Almeida 24km Hotel fortaleza de almeida
12.June 6 Almeida Cinco Vilas (with transfer to Quinta Nova) 19km Encostas do Côa – Turismo Rural
13.June 7 Quinta Nova Cidadelhe (with transfer to Quinta de Pero Martins) 15.8km Quinta de Pêro Martins – Turismo Rural
14.June 8 Reserva da Faia Brava Algodres 15km Camp site at Faia Brava
15.June 9 Algodres Vila Nova de Foz Côa 17km Youth Hostel in Vila Nova de Foz Côa
16.June 10 Vila Nova de Foz Côa Guarda - By public bus

During the different stages, the group will always be accompanied by an ATN guide, and another will give logistical support, with an ATN vehicle in which all the participants’ material will be transported. This guide will also do transfers, whenever necessary, and will help with the preparation of meals.

The cost of accommodation is based on the average cost of all the places where we will stay, which will mostly be rural accommodation, and sharing rooms. The only camping day will be at the Faia Brava Reserve. Along the trail, participants will visit a number of riverside beaches and places of historical interest. They will also learn how to bake bread in a traditional wood-burning oven, discover the Faia Brava Reserve and have a guided tour of the Vale do Côa rock carvings.

Price: € 975
Included: Accommodation, Meals, Logistical support by ATN (includes 2 guides and support vehicle), Guarda-Fóios transfer (hired bus), Public bus VNFC-Guarda, Contribution to the Property Acquisition Fund – € 65
Vale do Côa GR Trail Expedition
Vale do Côa GR Trail Expedition with Eco123 and ATN