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Clean mobility

Advantage through technology?

Saturday 7th September 2024 684,000 is the number that ultimately matters. That’s how many people work for a multinational company in the automobile industry: worldwide and not just in Germany, but also in Portugal, Spain, Belgium, the Czech Republic, the USA, Brazil and China, and not just at Volkswagen AG, but also at Seat, Skoda, Audi, Cupra and Porsche: 684,000 employees. Everything is connected to everything else. Decisions made somewhere in a company will have an impact at a completely different end of the same business or even in a different company. A government’s decision to phase out premiums for …

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Nearly 400,000 charges made on the Mobi.E Network in one month

Saturday, the 30th of March 2024. Electric mobility: in the first two months of the year, more than 797,500 charges were made on the Mobi.E network in Portugal. So far this year, this amounts to an increase of 65 per cent in comparison with last year. More than 398,000 top-ups were recorded in February, representing a 73 per cent increase on the same month in 2023. Energy consumption totalled more than 7,890,000 kWh, an increase of 93% compared to the same period last year. The charging network continues to grow, along with the number of electric vehicles in use in …

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Interview with CEO from Pepper Motion

Saturday, 23rd December 2023. Many of us view driving – so comfortable, isn’t it? – as a liberation from arduous walking. As for me, I’ve been fighting for years against the noise levels of the Algarve Autodrome, where at this time of day test drives are once more taking place in preparation of some car race or other. It’s the combustion engine that transforms petrol into smelly exhaust fumes, deafening to boot when the southwesterly blows from the Atlantic, bringing with it the never-ending noise. These days, quiet, clean and environmentally-friendly alternatives are available in motoring. There just needs to …

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Nº 133 – FAIR TRADE?
My Renault ZOE and the RCI Bank

My Renault ZOE and the RCI Bank

Saturday 3rd September 2022. In an ideal world, all those aggrieved by a multinational car manufacturer such as Renault or Volkswagen in Portugal, France, Germany, etc. would join forces as a group of claimants – in Europe – and prepare a class action against Renault Bank for instance, with the relevant court in Lisbon, in Paris or Düsseldorf, or against Volkswagen in Braunschweig. In the US this is a simple and efficient way for an aggrieved driver. In Europe we are still waiting for a law of this kind. In Portugal and in all other European states a collective lawsuit …

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Nº 132 – Death of a Salesperson
My Renault ZOE and the RCI Bank of Portugal

My Renault ZOE and the RCI Bank of Portugal

Saturday 20th August 2020. Sometimes, somebody can turn into a friend of the climate in the blink of an eye, when their fairly new electric car stops working and they have to continue on foot. This story is as incredible as it is true. It’s a story about a Renault ZOE, the first European electric car, which I bought on 28 December 2015, brand new, from Almotor in Portimão, for my journalistic work at ECO123. The price was exactly €21,476.87, excluding the battery, but including VAT. There was the odd discount too. However, as for the 24kW battery, that was …

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On the Road to Nowhere

To Be or to Have, that too is the question here. Renault is celebrating its 122nd anniversary. What is there to celebrate exactly? Three stories come to my mind, completely different ones. The first is this: a seven-year old boy is hit by a car. The child, as noted in the police report, wanted to cross the street with his scooter at a pedestrian crossing. On doing so, the boy is hit by the car of a 48-year old driver. In the accident on Sunday evening the seven-year old was dragged along several metres by the car and was later …

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Driving the Renault ZOE ZEN to
or: How to save 10,000 euros in petrol over five years

Ten years ago, I decided to get rid of all machines, motors and engines that were powered by fossil fuels. At the time, I was driving an old petrol-guzzling Renault Kangoo and felt a pang of conscience each time I ate a piece of meat. Some of my colleagues were buying new cars at that point. Thinking about what I could do with my money, I decided to become independent, to liberate myself from the constraints of a society running on fossil fuels. I made a fundamental decision and didn’t buy a new car. Instead, I simply carried on driving …

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Test Drive – Hyundai KAUAI EV

Electric cars are considered one of the main solutions for reducing carbon emissions in transport. They are appearing in increasing numbers on the roads, but it’s important to look at various factors when purchasing a car for yourself. ECO123 set off into the world of 100% electric vehicles and sat behind the wheel to test three different models: the Hyundai Kauai EV, the Nissan Leaf and the Renault Zoe.   The Peaceful Revolution There is little doubt that the future of sustainable mobility lies in the electrification of the transport sector. The need to reduce our carbon footprint, along with …

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Combustion engine cars versus electric cars
Your days are numbered

A change of course? Certainly. From this edition onwards, ECO123 will have a piece dedicated to transport. Three well-known politicians also sought to set their own course on Wednesday 13 May. In this final phase of the first wave of Covid-19, they went to visit the Autoeuropa factory in Palmela. But we haven’t forgotten about the fraudulent software that was installed in millions of Volkswagen diesel cars. It led to a wave of lawsuits being brought worldwide against the German automobile industry. We will cover the development of this story with reports on our website. And we understand that it …

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Test drive NISSAN LEAF – Portugal’s top choice

The Nissan Leaf 40 kWh N-Connecta was the most comfortable car of the three models tested by ECO123, which included the Hyundai Kauai EV and the Renault Zoe. Its selection of features has made this vehicle the top choice of Portuguese buyers where 100% electrically-powered vehicles are concerned. The Nissan Leaf has been strengthening its lead in Portugal among fully electric cars. This model, the market leader, has registered an increase in sales in Portugal. In 2018, 1593 units were sold, while in 2019, the number of sales increased to 1639 cars. This allowed the model to remain in first …

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