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Art on Chairs

‘Art on Chairs’ is an international event staged by Paredes Municipal Council and provides a unique set of experiences in the furniture industry to young Portuguese designers selected from across the country. In this second edition, deliberately more daring than the first (1) held in 2012, the surprising results of the competition for ‘More Industry, More Design’ artistic residences led to an expansion in the number of companies taking part in the council with the new total of 14 demonstrating the great commitment of the sector. The event organisers received a total of over 50 candidates and having delegated the responsibility for selecting the six finalists and grants totalling €2,800 apiece to the curator Francisco Providência of Aveiro University.
design maciçoThese young designers are joined by eight renowned authors with the challenge set involving developing a collection of new wooden articles targeting the luxury sector and reflecting the level of quality and development attained by the sector. The results of this work go out on an internationally touring exhibition between September 2014 and April 2015.
Paredes, Lisbon, Beijing, Dubai and Milan are, according to Susana Marques, general project coordinator, strategic markets with high potential value and hence fundamental to conveying the excellence of these products. She added that this second edition connected Paredes up with the wider world through joint efforts with Lisbon through partnerships established with Lisbon Municipal Council and the design museum MUDE (2). The pieces produced will make up a catalogue that hopefully becomes a point of reference.
This is the big return of ‘More Industry, More Design’ focusing on raising the pace of internationalisation and showcasing the excellence in Portuguese furniture.

Designers selected for the program of artistic residencies:
André Araújo, Diogo Frias, Luís Fernandes, Pedro Pedroso, Pedro Salgado, Rita Garizo

About the author

Humberto Almendra, 44 years old, Gemini with ascendant in Gemini. My mother advised me: “Get all four of them together and decide what you want to be.” I got them together but I’m still waiting for answers today. Producer of texts and photographs for the publishing sector. Freelance journalist.Man of the North.

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