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The invisible revolution

The vision of www.redeconvergir.net is to have a platform that maps sustainable and inspiring projects so that the network members can cooperate, enhance synergies, and contribute to a balanced society and a human life in harmony with the surroundings. The aim is to link projects in their activities and to promote reflection and awareness on the role of every human being in stimulating a critical, constructive, active and emancipated society.

The idea of starting Rede CONVERGIR emerged in 2011 when a group of people gathered at the “Ecovillage and Sustainable Living” conference in Portugal. The group realized that there were many projects in Portugal contributing to local sustainability based on alternative models, but that no one had a clear idea of what, where and how it was happening. It was recognized that this lack of visibility made it difficult for cooperation amongst projects as well as for integration of new people. Until then, the meetings that were taking place aiming at converging efforts and creating opportunities for cooperation were often restricted to known individuals and groups. To some extent, the lack of visibility hindered the creation of mutual networks and inclusive meetings. At the same time, there was a feeling that there was an increasing awareness of the importance of these projects and an emergent feeling of urgency to create new models for sustainable living. The opportunity was identified, to turn this “revolution” visible. The objective became to know the people, projects and initiatives that were making this new reality true, with all its diversity. They decided to take the next step: to create a tool to map and disseminate these projects that are actively inspiring the country in the crucial path to sustainability.

Converging identities

When REDE CONVERGIR started the exercise to map these projects, they realized there were very different “identities”, yet they all shared the same ambition based on the same ethical basis. Some of them were involved in ecovillages, others in permaculture, others in transition initiatives, others in education, health and well-being, and so forth. This diversity was highly encouraging and it was agreed from the beginning that it should be maintained. And, that’s where the name “To Converge” (Convergir) came about, because despite the differences this was the best way to converge the efforts and energies, efficiently and effectively, towards making the collective dream come true.

Sharing surplus

Although they are aware of the importance of invisibility (not being able to control the invisible is magnificent) and the dangers of centralization of information (information is power and very few people who know how to deal with power), a group of people decided to share their surplus, contributing their energy to give life to REDE CONVERGIR. Given the sensitivity of the project, they devoted the first year to reflect on the objectives, structure and network management. This process was facilitated by starting a forum, organizing online and offline meetings and creating open source documents. After four years REDE CONVERGIR has 137 projects mapped, and about 20 people directly and indirectly involved in network management and collective decision-making. These people are divided by level of engagement (moderators, guardians and observers) that tentatively maximize territorial and typological diversity. The big challenge continues to be bringing this virtual network to service in the process of facilitating real cooperation.
REDE CONVERGIR had several requests from researchers and reporters, worldwide, interested in knowing more about the network and its projects. Project CATALISE – capacitation for local transition and social innovation, is one of them. This is an action-research transdisciplinary project using REDE CONVERGIR as a reference network to identify initiatives that are involved in the national process towards transition to a low-carbon society. Others have been requesting the expansion of the network. Therefore, they are now in a second round of reflection, a process of maturing, to best design the potential replication of the Rede CONVERGIR, as well as a new online platform that best suits members’ needs.”


Phil Revell of Climate Futures: “I look forward to getting to know the initiatives that have been chosen as case studies better and to learn more about their work, their successes and the challenges that they face.”

About the author

Gil Pessanha Penha-Lopes
Is a 36 years old recent father that is dedicating his life to study Nature. Since 2011 he is researching climate change adaptation solutions to be implemented at the local level as well as other frameworks to sustain community resilience, such as Transition, Permaculture and Biomimicry. Since 2013 he is lecturer of the Doctoral Program on Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policies at Lisbon University.

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