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Arts and Crafts

Hands that restore lost beauty.

I have known Master Figueiras ever since my youth, some five decades ago, in his minuscule workshop. I loved seeing him build and repair pieces with such unhurried patience. Still today, whenever I pass by his door on Rua Nova in Portimão, I stop in for a quick chat. He has done restoration work for the rich and famous and made friends with artists and intellectuals. However, out of his own modesty, he only says: “I made friends with many people over the course of my life”. ECO123 – Master Figueiras, how did you get into this profession? Master Figueiras …

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A life with the sea on the horizon

‘Mestre de terra’ * Joaquim Carneiro welcomed ECO123 to the warehouse where he practises his profession at the premises of Docapesca (1) by the river Arade and close to the town of Parchal (municipality of Lagoa). Nearly 84, master Joaquim still works every day, seated among kilometres of fishing nets which he mends with enviable skill and vigour. His discourse is frequently inflamed with the passion of those who still argue for what they believe in and who believe in a better future. Such as when he defends the indispensable practice of the closed season to protect species, or when …

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