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Monchique: Without water everything is NOTHING

Saturday 10th August 2024. In the southernmost mountains of Portugal, the groundwater is beginning to run out. Monchique’s springs and streams have already dried up. The situation has never before been as drastic as it is this summer. At the end of July, ECO123 contacted the Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests (ICNF) in Lisbon and asked to be informed about the emergency measures that the authority has in place for dealing with this situation. Since the forest fires of 2018, there has been an explosive growth in the spread of invasive trees, with acacias and mimosas now engulfing an …

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The invaders are coming…
Episode 3 by Uwe Heitkamp

Episode 3 by Uwe Heitkamp

Saturday 3rd August 2024. I imagine a friend of mine is celebrating his birthday and invites his 20 best friends to his birthday party. He prepares a cold buffet and provides enough food and drink for 20 people: a few crates of beer, some bottles of good wine and, of course, non-alcoholic drinks. His birthday gradually draws nearer, and, on the evening of the party, he suddenly finds there are lots of people at his door: instead of his 20 friends, 500 people have turned up. He is overwhelmed. In a very short time, all the drinks are finished, and …

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Acacias and mimosas are conquering Portugal.
What does the ICNF have to say on the subject?

What does the ICNF have to say on the subject?

Saturday 27th July 2024. A pocketknife can be a friendly companion in the forest of Monchique. Monchique is a village in the mountain range of the same name in south-west Portugal, at the beginning or end of Europe – it all depends on which way you look at it. Portugal, and the Monchique Mountains in particular, are known for their cork-oak and chestnut forests. Generally speaking, that was still the case only a generation or so ago, in 1990. Then along came the paper industry and the private owners of these forests began to cut down their forests and plant …

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The Australian acacia conquers Portugal.
The hopelessness of the ICNF’s efforts to rid forests of invasive tree species.

The hopelessness of the ICNF’s efforts to rid forests of invasive tree species.

Saturday 20th July 2024. Do you have to love nature to be able to protect it? Or is it enough simply to calculate the value of a forest in economic terms? The attitude that people have towards the forest, towards invasive tree species and the risk of forest fires arising from the large-scale cultivation of eucalyptus, explains the ethical rationale behind the creation of the institution responsible for nature conservation in Portugal: the Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests (Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas – ICNF). Only two percent of the forested land in Portugal belongs to …

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“This is everyone’s job”
Continuation of last week’s interview

Continuation of last week’s interview

Saturday 22 June 2024. Continuation of last week’s interview: Eco123: There are still people who don’t care about their ecological footprint. LR: People who really don’t care at all… Eco123: They’re going to eat meat seven days a week, drive diesel cars, fly to Brazil on holiday… and they don’t want to plant trees. What do you do with the opponents who reject your climate plan? LR: Our investment in young people is very important. And there are many thousands of them who are impacted year after year by our work at the Environmental Education Centre and in schools. We …

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“This is everyone’s job”
The first municipality in Portugal to develop a serious climate action plan.

The first municipality in Portugal to develop a serious climate action plan.

Saturday, 15th june 2024. Portugal has 308 municipalities. One of them is the medium-sized city of Torres Vedras, located 54 kilometres to the north-west of Lisbon and covering an area of 407 km². This inland municipality has 83,072 inhabitants (Census 2021) and spreads over 13 parishes. The municipal council is led by the Socialist Party and its mayor is Laura Maria Jesus Rodrigues (63). At the beginning of the year, the municipality’s Climate Action Plan was presented to the public at a well-attended meeting in the auditorium of the Environmental Education Centre. The local inhabitants were then given the opportunity …

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How Lessons from Earth’s Past Can Help us Survive the Climate Crisis

How Lessons from Earth’s Past Can Help us Survive the Climate Crisis

Saturday 4th May 2024. The way he writes is not as dry as I initially thought. Rather, it is characterised by a highly active scientific competence, coupled with a writer’s finely tuned sense of humour in its practical application. The author does not remain locked away in an ivory tower of theory. As well as providing us with reliable findings, he also takes a look forward at science fiction and a studied glance back into the Earth’s history. The book is interesting and weighs 575 grams. I weighed it on my kitchen scales. It is 21 cm long and 16 …

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BRIDGE: Laboratory for innovation?
Dealing with the past of forest fires

Dealing with the past of forest fires

Saturday 13th April 2024.   Prologue: We had been vaccinated, twice in fact. When we all came down with Covid-19 at the same time, I had the growing sensation that something had gone very wrong. Either it was the vaccine from the small hospital in Monchique that gave me the shot, or we’d caught it at the EB23 Manuel de Nascimento school in Monchique, where the BRIDGE club met. The auditorium had probably not been disinfected and there we were, trapped: two dozen decision-makers from various associations, companies and institutions, as well as politicians. That was in mid-May 2022 and …

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Market Gardens in the Algarve: A Marriage of Artichoke and Oyster Mushrooms

Saturday 23rd March 2024. Market gardening – the worldwide trend of small-scale farming based on the use of organic and regenerative farming techniques has arrived in the Algarve. More and more farms are offering their produce at farmers’ markets from Lagos to Tavira; some even deliver a weekly vegetable box to your doorstep. If you haven’t come across the term “market gardening” yet, in a nutshell, it’s all about small-scale intensive farms and smallholdings that grow a diversity of vegetable and fruit crops and sell their produce directly to consumers through local farmers’ markets and on-farm stalls, or local grocery …

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The Navigator Company – a subsidiary of SEMAPA PLC

Saturday 9th March 2024. Using the forest as a resource for doing business – with eucalyptus monocultures – is something that always works in favour of the Navigator Company. Even after a forest fire, woodland owners can still send the scorched trunks of their eucalyptus trees to the cellulose factory. The wood is lighter in that case: the Navigator Company takes the wood, pays a lower price and can still use it to produce paper. No problem at all. “Raising funds” has always been important for the Navigator Company: their cash flow has to be carefully managed. So, ten years …

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