Home | Clean mobility | Nearly 400,000 charges made on the Mobi.E Network in one month

Nearly 400,000 charges made on the Mobi.E Network in one month

Saturday, the 30th of March 2024.

Electric mobility: in the first two months of the year, more than 797,500 charges were made on the Mobi.E network in Portugal. So far this year, this amounts to an increase of 65 per cent in comparison with last year.

More than 398,000 top-ups were recorded in February, representing a 73 per cent increase on the same month in 2023. Energy consumption totalled more than 7,890,000 kWh, an increase of 93% compared to the same period last year.


The charging network continues to grow, along with the number of electric vehicles in use in Portugal. In February, the Mobi.E network included around 4,570 charging stations and around 8,130 public charging points.

Another relevant statistic is the network’s power, which currently exceeds 249,700 kW, six per cent above the target proposed in the European Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR). At the end of February, around 1,650 charging stations were classified as fast or ultra-fast, representing 36 per cent of the total network.

This year, in February, more than 67,800 drivers used the national charging network, an increase of 66 per cent compared to 2023. On average, each user charged their vehicle nine times on the Mobi.E network in February – up from six times in January.

As for the impact of the Mobi.E network on the environment, in the first two months more than 12,000 tons of CO2 were saved compared with cars using petrol engines. It would take more than 210,000 ten-year-old trees in an urban environment to retain the same amount of carbon dioxide.

There are currently 70 chargers on average for every 100 kilometres of road. For every 100,000 inhabitants, there are 95 chargers on average. You can find this and more information on the MOBI.E website, on the MOBI.Data portal at: https://www.mobie.pt/mobidata/data.


Uwe Heitkamp (64)

jornalista de televisão formado, autor de livros e botânico por hobby, pai de dois filhos adultos, conhece Portugal há 30 anos, fundador da ECO123.
Traduções: Dina Adão, John Elliot, Rudolfo Martins, Kathleen Becker, Patrícia Lara
Photos:dpa, Mobi.E Screenshot Website

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