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Winter Bowl


Sweet potato with roasted butternut squash:

2 sweet potatoes;

Half a butternut squash;

Fresh thyme;

1 tablespoon of olive oil;

1 teaspoon of paprika;

1 teaspoon of garlic powder;

Black pepper to season;

A pinch of sea salt.

Lentils with mushrooms:

150g of cooked green lentils;

200g of mushrooms cut into cubes;

2 chopped tomatoes (optional);

1 chopped onion;

1 minced garlic clove;

Spices to season: I used black pepper, paprika, nutmeg and a pinch of sea salt.

Pumpkin sauce:

100g of soaked cashews;

150g of cooked butternut squash;

1-2 garlic cloves;

1 tablespoon of tamari (optional);

Juice from half a lemon;

150 ml of water;

Black pepper;

½ teaspoon of paprika.




Roast potatoes and pumpkin;

Braised lentils and mushrooms;

Pumpkin sauce; 

Pieces of pomegranate;

Rocket sprouts (optional).

Step by step instructions:

Sweet potatoes roasted with butternut squash:

Scrub the potatoes thoroughly and cut them into cubes (unpeeled);

Peel the butternut squash and cut it into cubes;

Place the cubes of sweet potato and butternut squash on an oven tray. Season with the remaining ingredients;

Roast them in the oven at 180ºC for 30 minutes (depending on your oven), or until the potatoes are roasted.

Lentils with mushrooms:

Pour a little olive oil or coconut oil into a wok and add diced onion and a minced clove of garlic;

Sauté until the onion turns transparent;

Add the mushrooms and sauté until reduced in size;

Add the chopped tomatoes, lentils and spices.Leave the mixture to simmer for ten minutes;

Season to taste and remove from heat.

Pumpkin sauce:

Place all of the ingredients in a food processor and blend on the highest setting for 1 or 2 minutes until the mixture is velvety and creamy.

Preparing the Bowl:

In a bowl, place:

Raw spinach, or some which has been lightly sautéed in a pan;

The sweet potato together with the roasted butternut squash;

The lentils with the mushrooms;

The pumpkin sauce;

Sprinkle some small pieces of pomegranate and some sprouts on the top.

Vânia Ribeiro - Made By Choices

traduções: Chris Young & Kersten Funck-Knupfer | fotografias: Made by Choices

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