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Economics of Good and Evil

As a dissertation at the Charles University in Prague, it wasn’t good enough, but as a book, it’s a bestseller.

The author won a scholarship to Yale. Even as a relative youngster, he belonged to former President Václav Havel’s team of advisers on economic matters. Today he’s a lecturer in economic history and philosophy at the Charles University, chief economist at CSOB, the biggest Czech bank, and a columnist.

His book is a journey through 4,000 years of cultural and economic history, as well as a sharp analysis of the fact that economics and language are never value-free.
The book is an expression of new economic thinking; it should become compulsory reading for every student of economics.

Economics of Good and Evil Author: Tomáš Sedláček
Further info: www.tomassedlacek.cz
Published by: Oxford University Press, NY (USA, 2011)

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