Home | Portugal (page 22)


Nazaré Cabral

Rethinking the whole social security system

As a lecturer and researcher at the Centro de Investigação de Direito Económico, Financeiro e Fiscal (Research Centre on Economic, Financial and Fiscal Law) of the Faculty of Law in Lisbon, Nazaré Cabral has worked for two decades in areas such as Social Security, Public Finance and Economic and Monetary Union. She has written a large number of works in these areas since 200 and a member of the Scientific Committee of the 17th BIEN Congress. She regards the UBI as an “appealing measure”, but is hesitant about its implementation, saying that it is necessary to weigh up the “implications …

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Francisco Guerreiro

Man is born to create …

The party Pessoas Animais e Natureza (People, Animals and Nature – PAN) was the only one to include the Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) in its manifesto and it raised the issue for discussion in the Assembleia da República. Francisco Guerreiro, the national political commissioner of PAN, believes that the UBI has the basis to respond to a new economic model. Still without having defined a project for its implementation, this party has promoted parliamentary debate about the issue. ECO123: Is the UBI a key policy for PAN at present? F.G.: It is a debate that needs to be had in …

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The scene with long queues and lots of elderly people in the post office is repeated every month. More than a dozen people stand there in a queue and wait for their pensions. Most of them receive a sum that is way below €400. The money is paid to them in cash, and counted out in public before being handed over. The post office clerk counts the money out to the pensioner: ten, 20, 30 euros, one hundred, two hundred, three hundred euros, and then the money is stuck in the envelope which had previously contained the payment slip from …

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Think Pink
Head for a healthy, vegan, culinary spring with lots of colour.

Beetroot and ginger cream soup [gluten free, no milk, suitable for vegans] Starter for 6 People Ingredients: 500 g fresh beetroot 200 g potatoes 1 red onion diced finely 2 cloves garlic 1 green chili pepper 50 g fresh ginger, diced finely 500 ml organic coconut milk, organic 
soya cream or almond milk. 500 ml water Grated peel and juice of two organic 
lemons 4 tbsp. sunflower oil ½ – 1 tsp. fine salt, 1 large pinch ground cloves and caraway, 1 bay leaf, freshly
ground black pepper. Preparation: Peel and chop the beetroot and potatoes. Careful: beetroot stains badly! In …

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Beggar in Lisbon

Support a universal basic income PROSPERITY + FREEDOM

The economy is in a parlous state. Millions of Europeans are suddenly losing their jobs. Who is giving them any support? The most idiotic view is the one that claims that everything can remain just as it is. Three years ago, in late September, 2017, scientists and politicians gathered together at a world conference at the Portuguese Parliament to debate the possible implementation of an Unconditional Basic Income. Now, faced with the Covid-19 pandemic and the bankruptcy of many companies as the world economy collapses around them, coupled with the threat of an environmental catastrophe and a shortage of our …

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Blogs take to the smallholdings

What do four bloggers, one organic grocery, one farmer and ten guests do on a wonderful sunny day at Quinta das Seis Marias in Sargaçal, Lagos? They prove that fruits that are treated with respect are those that provide the best final taste. On your plate and in your body. And so, baskets in hand, four culinary bloggers go down to the farm to gather products that, together with those from the Mercearia Bio, they will combine in nearly twelve recipes made exclusively from organic foodstuffs. All the participants are involved in observing, gathering and smelling. Queries about plants such …

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Bringing the Horta do Zé estate back to life

It is a cool autumn evening. The campfire glow flickers continuously over the faces of the audience. They tell and listen to stories about the River Sado, this farm and its garden. What would it have been like here 50 years ago, when feudal conditions still prevailed and the farm workers lived on the farmstead with their families? And what might its future hold? The branches of a walnut tree spread out over everyone and create a feeling of security. It’s as if the elves are dancing over the heads of the audience. But wait: who makes a campfire under …

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Don’t talk, act!

Eric Castaldo is the architect of the planned project to build a cable car from Monchique to the 776-metre-high peak of Picota in the range of the same name. He has been living in Portugal for 44 years. He is French by birth and his wife is Portuguese. They have two children. He has had his own office in the village since 2000. This is where he does the architectural work that has made his name outside the country. His most important clients are Pestana, Oceânico and Vale do Lobo. ECO123 talked to him in his studio. Is it a …

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Habita Jovem

Vitor Carlos da Silva Maio The programme is entitled “Habita Jovem” and it supports young home owners with financial subsidies for the appropriate restoration of ruins in Monchique. Vitor Carlos da Silva Maio is 33 and his new old house is nearing completion. He’s been working hard on it since 2011: he’s built a new roof, insulated the walls professionally, assigned all the electrical rewiring and sanitary installations to specialists, ordered new doors and windows, laid floors and much more. It has also already been decided that he will be sharing the beautiful new old house with his partner Joana …

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Our aim is to transform the ruins

Monchique is one of the municipalities in the country that has suffered most from depopulation and, in the last 40 years, its population has fallen by half, to around 5,000 at present. To reverse the trend towards depopulation and ensure the town’s sustainability in the coming decades, this Algarve municipality is focusing on incentives to retain and increase the local population, with support for the construction and reconstruction of buildings, exemption from municipal taxes and tariffs, and complimentary projects and technical support for people wishing to settle in the municipality, along with other initiatives. But will these measures be sufficient …

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