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Short Stories

Nº 95 –
Ten steps to climate neutrality 2025
Who is responsible for the climate catastrophe?

Saturday 10th July 2021 Do we know the extension of the protective layer we call the atmosphere that envelops planet Earth? Yes? No? I’d be happy to tell you. It is ten kilometres. This pouch of air, which extends up a mere ten kilometres above the earth, provides the living space for all life forms on this planet. For you, for me and for all other living beings too. We breathe in and we breathe out, in and out, and in and out once more. And when we get into a car and start the engine – wait a minute …

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Nº 94 – Ten steps to climate neutrality?

Saturday 3rd July 2021 Really? And the first step is taken in which direction exactly? These days I only watch weather forecasts where meteorologists will actually shed light on the background to our chaotic weather events and explain how things are connected. You see, this is not only about WHAT happens WHEN, HOW and to WHOM, but also about WHY we are seeing variations in temperature of 15 degrees Celsius, for example. It’s about cause and effect. And that only works if you have the desire to learn and to pass on what you’ve learned. Think of a car accident. …

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Nº93 –
Nature Based Solution
Ten steps to climate neutrality

Saturday 26th June 2021 One of the things we do here at ECO123 is to come up with ideas for tomorrow’s democracy. My Via-Algarviana represents in fact another project to protect the climate. To start with, walking is climate neutral. This now is a challenge to see whether we can join forces to achieve something positive that people will still talk about in 100 years’ time. This is about our nature and whether we are able to give her something good of ourselves – instead of always just taking from her. It’s a special skill, to inspire, sensitise and motivate …

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Nº 92 – My World
Tour Ten steps to climate neutrality.
Today: the 4th step. No more emissions on the job.

Saturday 19th June 2021 Today the question is not which job I go for. It’s about a single principle which is a part of every job: to end the burning of fossil-fuels, while at the same time using cleanly produced energy. With a farmer it’s about the use of the tractor, the combine harvester, of tools powered by petrol or diesel fuel. This is also about whether I treat animals with respect; if I transition my farm to organic agriculture or continue to poison nature with glyphosate. This is also about natural fertilisation and so much more. Piloting a plane …

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Nº 91 – My World Tour
Ten steps to climate neutrality
Step 3: There’s no such thing as a free lunch in life – or is there…?

Saturday, 12th June 2021 Portugal wasn’t handed democracy on a plate. And the way we treat the planet is the way we treat other people. We take what we can get. Somehow, humans are by their very nature exploiters and thieves, staring enviously at the things others have and they don’t. Only when we look into the mirror and question and challenge ourselves are we given the unique opportunity to reflect. Are we really the person we think we are? If you want to be treated well, why do you treat other people, animals and nature badly? This is a …

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Nº 90 – My World Tour
Ten steps towards climate neutrality.
Step 3 – How do I break away from fossil fuels?

Saturday 5th June 2021 Every year, every citizen living in Portugal emits on average some five tons of CO2. Now, the goal is absolute climate neutrality. How can we achieve this? The first two steps described here were about learning new skills. I took a big step right at the beginning. Cutting meat out of my diet, taking part in vegetarian cookery classes and using a permaculture course to kickstart the cultivation of locally grown food on my own land results in a cut of 20 per cent in emissions. Going on to avoid the supermarkets’ freezer sections as well …

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Nº 89 – My World Tour
Ten steps into a different world, by Uwe Heitkamp
Step 2 – A hike inside the forest and the planting of trees

Saturday the 29th of May 2021 There is no me (you) and my (your) environment, only me (you) as an integrative part of this one world: an integral part rather than separated from it. There is a close bond between ourselves and nature, the living environment making up this planet. Is this true? Since starting to live in the forest I feel closer to the elements, now more so than ever. What does this mean in practice? For one, I’ve already had to familiarise myself with the consequences of climate change several times over. And I feel that I have …

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Nº 87 – Hiking in Portugal

Saturday 15th May 2021 Climate-friendly travel is in everyone’s interest. Many of us are now already planning their next trip. How about a long-distance hike through the natural and cultural landscape of Portugal?  Those who don’t want to forsake their holiday entirely should calculate the CO2 burden resulting from their trip. ECO123 recommends climate-friendly travel by train & bus, by bike and on foot. The Via Algarviana (300 km), the Fisherman’s Trail, part of the Rota Vicentina (223 km) and the Grande Rota Vale do Côa (220 km) for instance are three long-distance hikes out of many different trails on …

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Nº 85 – Smart or not Smart – that is the question…

Sábado, dia 1. de maio 2021 I really don’t know what drives the majority of humankind to get a smartphone? As for myself, I am absolutely in the minority camp in this respect. Over half of humanity owns such a flat plaything. It seems to me I belong to the few non-smart people. The name alone, “smart” phone is a joke. All these smart people have spent hundreds of euros on this and can now use it to take pretty pictures. Pretty pictures is something I can take too; for this I use my old professional camera. And I am …

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Nº 84 – Biodiversity is the only solution

Saturday the 24th of April 2021 So here’s the bad news. The EU counts among the major drivers of forest destruction. This is shown in a report just published by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) looking at the consequences of international trade on deforestation and the destruction of natural habitats between 2005 and 2017. This means that 16 per cent of global tropic forest logging in connection with international trade are down to the EU. This places the EU at number two in the „World Ranking of Forest Destroyers“, behind China (24 per cent) and ahead of India (9 per …

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