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Short Stories

Nº 52 – A new cooperative ESGRAVATADOURO CRL

Saturday 12 th September 2020 Yesterday the ECO123 team founded the new cooperative ESGRAVATADOURO CRL. The aim of this organisation is to offer individuals a simple and effective solution to enable them to become active against climate change. To this end, the KYOTO climate protection platform has been developed, where users can find out about their possibilities of influencing climate change and becoming directly active. In order to ensure that the effects of climate change that are already underway can be controlled for future generations and that the basis of human life continues to exist, it is necessary to rethink …

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Nº 51 – Zero Emissions Travel?

Saturday, 5 th September 2020 Let’s make things complicated, even though they could be simple. This is Portugal at its best. Anyone who is crazy enough to travel by train from Lisbon to London – or from London to Lisbon – is in for a trip back in time as the journey takes a total of three days. Your holidays start on the train. I am afraid that, instead of a TGV, the Portuguese rail companies are now considering using donkeys – the ones that retired in 1945 – so that in 2020 they can offer customers a truly historic …

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Nº 50 –

Heike Lange


Saturday 29th August 2020 Is there life after death? Heike Lange probably knows the answer now. It’s painful. This is the second person who’s close to me and who, after going into hospital, without being diagnosed as having a heart attack that wasn’t diagnosed , ended up dying of a second heart attack at home. The doctors who work in this sick health system, sent her home with a handful of pills because they are either overworked or incompetent. One thing is certain: life before death, in Portugal, seems to becoming less and less healthy. It was the forest fire …

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Nº 49 – The Birthday

Saturday, 22nd August 2020 Good morning, everyone! It’s true, Facebook’s a real devil sometimes, as it warns people when it’s our birthday. 61 – I have lived more than half of my life. I look back and leave an immense trail of gratitude for my life, with no regrets and the certainty that this is just a passage to another dimension, that life and death are two sides of the same coin. I have just two deep wishes: My wish in this life is that I shall live to see the collapse of unbridled and brutal capitalism and witness the …

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Nº 48 – A new almanac to give life to the Earth

Saturday the 15th August 2020 If the weather is not too hot, the cabbages for Christmas should be planted now in August and the ground prepared for sowing and planting in autumn. It’s also a good time for drying fruit (figs) and vegetables (tomatoes). Watering the young trees well and covering the land around them with straw, mulch or dry grass… It was at the beginning of this year that the agroforestry almanac known as Plantei.eu started in Montemor-o-Novo. Its seed was the desire to disseminate knowledge and useful information about sustainable agricultural and forestry practices. Available both in paper …

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Nº 47 – Open letter to Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission

Saturday, 8 th August 2020 Madam President of the EU Commission, Dr. Ursula von der Leyen. At the beginning of the week, journalists were presented with a press release with information relating to both Portugal and Europe, which contained such keywords as Green Deal, investments, sustainability, forest fires, reforestation, economics, ecology, eucalyptus, monocultures, cellulose and paper, among others.  An Investment Plan for Europe? I read in this press release that the European Investment Bank (EIB) will lend the Navigator Company SA (Setúbal) exactly 27.5 million euros for the purchase of a new paper machine (total cost 55 million euros), which …

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Nº 45 – Only together are we strong

Saturday, August 1st, 2020 Lisbon. Eight organisations for the defence of the environment have joined forces and are taking the Portuguese Government to court to prevent the plans to build Montijo Airport from going ahead. With the backing of the NGO ClientEarth, an International Environmental Law charity, SPEA, ANP/WWF Portugal, A Rocha, FAPAS, GEOTA, LPN, ZERO and Almargem have filed an administrative lawsuit at the Lisbon District Administrative Court, requesting the annulment of the favourable Declaration of Environmental Impact issued by the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA). The organisations argue that the authorities did not properly consider the impacts that the …

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Foto: EDP Distribuição SA

Nº 45 – Gifts

Saturday, July the 25th, 2020 Local government is an art. It’s even a university discipline. But this does not guarantee that good political measures will be put in place. Basically, it’s not enough to have talent, you have to be honest and caring and have enough character to make sustainable decisions independently. Decisions that will be useful for the future of a village or a town. The art of politics bears fruit when it succeeds in increasing the wealth of a region. When a mayor cannot stand for re-election after three terms in office and is forced to retire, receiving …

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Nº 44 –
There is no more bad news
Real Nature Protection
The LIFE project in the Berlengas

Saturday, 18th July 2020 Lisbon. The “Natura 2000”  network was created by the EU Commission and aims to protect species and habitats of great importance in all 27 EU countries as a genuine form of nature conservation. There is a total of 2,000 species and 230 habitat types in the 27 countries between Finland and Portugal that have been designated as Natura 2000 sites. If you are interested and want to find the nearest nature reserve in your region, just click on https://natura2000.eea.europa.eu//# and enter your place of residence. Monchique is PTCON0037. The whole of the municipality has been designated …

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Nº 43 –
The “Monchique com Futuro” pilot scheme
Fire is put out with water

Saturday, July 11th, 2020 The place at the top is called Bemparece (“Good-looking”) and the name does justice to the beautiful view that you can have from there. We climbed up to the plateau where Ana Mira (67) and Carlos Abafa (75) used to pick chanterelles in wet winters. We are surrounded by cork-oaks, most of which have been burned. The blue sky appears amid the treetops and, in front of us, we can see the mountains. Just a few years ago, everything was different. There were lots of chestnut-trees and cork-oaks here, more than a hundred years old, whose …

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